All providers supported

Improve retention

Invested employees stay at a company 2x longer. Our custom branded course makes enrollment a breeze and helps your employees take full advantage of their 401(k) benefit, showcasing the value they're getting through your company plan. 

Save hundres of hours

Save your HR and Benefits Teams hundreds of hours educating employees and answering basic questions. Kona also allows office and remote employees to go through the course on their own time, getting rid of additional zoom calls, and letting your employees work when they work best.

Strengthen your employer brand

With easy to understand explanations of investment options and a simple rollover request form, employees can streamline their finances. Leaving your employee's feeling less financially stressed and confident that your company benefits are more competitive than similar organizations.

Give employees more resources

Company employees can fill out a quick financial questionnaire to be connected with their plan advisor and receive additional financial guidance in the event of a big life change or an IPO.

Show you care

Show employees you care about their financial wellbeing by integrating your or your advisor's scheduling app right into the Kona platform. Let your employees know exactly who they can reach out to regarding their financial needs.

Get even more done with AI

Our custom Financial AI-Agent is trained specifically to answer 401(k) questions. The AI is not meant to replace advice of financial professionals, but rather compliments the learning experience through additional in-the-moment examples and clarification.

Make your employees feel prioritized today

Kona will help your employees understand and appreciate their compensation to its fullest.


Mazimized my benefits

"Since our company introduced this 401k course, I've finally been able to fully understand and maximize my retirement benefits. The custom branding made it feel very personalized, and the AI chatbot is like having a financial advisor in my pocket."

John S.
Software Engineer

Retention increase 

"This 401k course has been a major factor in our talent retention. Our team feels valued and secure, knowing they're making the best out of their benefits."

Jeana B.
Vice President

Improved company culture

"Our employees have been raving about how the 401k course has demystified retirement planning for them. The ease of access to information and the ability to get personalized advice has significantly boosted morale and shown them that our company cares about their future."

Stephen D.

Plan Features

Company Branded Course
Video Embeds
Financial Document Hosting
Provider Information
Custom Course Domain
Lead Generation Questionnaire
Calendar Integration
Account Rollover Tool
Unlimited Content Changes*
100 Form Submissions/mo
Secure Web Connection
Course Web Hosting
Dedicated Technical Support
Company Branded Course
Video Embeds
Course Web Hosting
Unlimited Content Changes
Custom Course Domain
Custom Development
Financial Document Hosting


Dedicated Technical Support


Lead Generation Questionnaire


Calendly Integration
Account Rollover Tool
Beautiful Landing Pages
Pricing Tables
Content Management




Custom Development
Migration Support


Dedicated Technical Support


Video Dedicated Support


General Support Tickets
Video Dedicated Support


Per month
Get Started
Beautiful Landing Pages
Pricing Tables
Content Management
Custom Development
Migration Support
Dedicated Technical Support
Video Dedicated Support
General Support Tickets
Video Dedicated Support
Per month
Get Started
Financial AI-Agent
Custom Branded Forms
Unlimited Form Submissions
Additional Calendars
Multiple Calendar Events
Company Branded Course
Video Embeds
Course Web Hosting
Unlimited Content Changes
Custom Course Domain
Custom Development
Financial Document Hosting


Dedicated Technical Support


Lead Generation Questionnaire


Calendly Integration
Account Rollover Tool
Beautiful Landing Pages
Pricing Tables
Content Management




Custom Development
Migration Support


Dedicated Technical Support


Video Dedicated Support


General Support Tickets
Video Dedicated Support


Per month
Get Started
Beautiful Landing Pages
Pricing Tables
Content Management
Custom Development
Migration Support
Dedicated Technical Support
Video Dedicated Support
General Support Tickets
Video Dedicated Support
Per month
Get Started

Want to learn more?

Get in touch with one of our specialists to evaluate how Kona can work best for your company.